Sabtu, 07 April 2012

How to Make Related Post on Blogger

How to Make Related Post on Blogger

Do you know what it's related post? Related Post is a collection of related articles or posts that are related to a very great benefit to your blog, especially for the visitors of your blog since the article is concerned with what visitors see on the menu Related Post, usually related to the placement of the article or a related post is placed in bottom of the article so that the visitors know that the same article or principal theme of the material beneath.

For example the article being read visitors is titled "How to Speed ​​Loading Blog" is given a label "Optimization Blogger", it automatically after terpasangnya menu will display the related post the other articles about Blogger Optimization.

Display examples releated Post or Related Post you can see on the bottom of this article. Well so Sih How to Make it How? Let's make.

  • You must be logged in and entered the blogspot dashboard.
  • Go to the Edit HTML in menu design.
  • Backup your template for later in case there is an error.
  • Tick ​​the Expand Widget Templates.
  • Put the following script in the code <data:post.body/>

  • <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div class='similiar'>
    <div class='widget-content'>
    <h3>Related Posts by Categories</h3> <div id='data2007'/>

    <script type='text/javascript'> var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;; var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4; var maxNumberOfLabels = 10; maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100; maxNumberOfLabels = 3; function listEntries10(json) { var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;); var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ? json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel; for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) { var entry = json.feed.entry[i]; var alturl; for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k++) { if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) { alturl =[k].href; break; } } var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;); var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;); a.href = alturl; if(a.href!=location.href) { var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t); a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li); } } for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l++) { if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) { var raw =[l].href; var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13); var k; for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;); var txt = document.createTextNode(label); var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;); h.appendChild(txt); var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;); div1.appendChild(h); div1.appendChild(ul); document.getElementById(&#39;data2007&#39;).appendChild(div1); } } } function search10(query, label) { var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39; + label + &#39;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=listEntries10&#39;); script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;); document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(script); } var labelArray = new Array(); var numLabel = 0; <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'> <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;; var test = 0; for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++) if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1; if (test == 0) { labelArray.push(textLabel); var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ? labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels; if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) { search10(homeUrl3, textLabel); numLabel++; } } </b:loop> </b:loop> </script> </div> </div> </b:if>
  • Then click the Save


  • If you have added "Automatic Readmore then you should put the script releated post the code below.
  • To add to the beauty if you put an ad in the post then place the following script code releated post ads.

tag: How to Make Related Post In Blogger, How to Make Related Post In Blogger, How to Make Related Post on Blogger

Meaning and Understanding Keyword That's What?

Meaning and Understanding Keyword That's What?

In this article I will write about Understanding Keyword to Blogger or Blogspot. This way is very useful to facilitate your blog or website appears in Search Engine. Many Uses Of Title To Blogger that will increase page rank.

In view of the various dictionary meanings of the keyword itself is the key word, which can dimaknakan a word or a spelling thing else denagn special meaning. In other words, keywords are words that we want or words designed to make your blog or website can be found by Search Engine with easy and can bring other people into the room in which gloggingnya an article or image rather than a blog or a website on the internet.

Keysword is said to be the type by another JV into a search engine search engines, which when keywords that match those on your blog or website, then maybe your blog or website will be on the first page or Top 10 Google and it can also increase page rank your blog or wegsite. Basically the key word is the basis for an online business, especially the internet marketers.

tag: Meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging, Meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging, meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging

Usefulness Of Keyword To Blogger

Usefulness Of Keyword To Blogger

Now it's time to find out what keywords it uses and definitions. Keyword itself is a keyword that will be inserted by others when it will find something in the search engines and at the same instant blog or website will appear in the search page and even in the TOP 10 GOOGLE ...

When a keyword that we make are good and can be indexed by search engines and link us perched on the order of the TOP 10, it can also add a page rank of your blog or website. Especially for the internet marketer making the right keywords can provide an enormous impact on your website.

For more details, I described it:

  • Keyword beneficial to get the visitor or visitors via search engines.
  • Keyword can be called also an invitation to others to go to your blog or website.
  • Keyword is very useful for your blog or website to do business online or internet marketer.
  • Keyword very important role in the search for an article.
  • From the above it can be in sempulkan keyword itself is the key word to search. benefits of Keyword

May be useful.

tag: Meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging, Meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging, meaning and Understanding What It Keyword, Keyword Search, Keyword, SEO tutorial, How to Keyword, Keyword Search, SEO Blogging

Tips on How to Speed ​​Up Loading Blog

Tips on How to Speed ​​Up Loading Blog 

To the bloggers in this way was very interested because it can speed up the loading in a blog specifically for bloggers. Not only speed could save even a berquota internet usage, so the following tips saving tricks ... . . .

1. Test the speed of your blog using the site below:

. Compressing images for
Buddy can go to this link Image Optimizer 
2. For Compressing CSS Code
My friend can visit this link Css Compresor

Software can then be menggnakan HTML Compressor. and JS Compressor
Here's how:
A. HTML Compressor for Software
My friend can visit this link Alentum Dot Com 
2. To JS Compressor
Buddies can also visit this link JS Minifier 

Good Luck Buddy ..

tag: Tips on How to Speed ​​Up Loading Blog | Tips and Tricks, Saves Internet Usage Quotas, Blogger Tips, Loading Blog, Blogger Blog, Blog Testn Speed​​, Speed ​​Blog, Tips and Tricks, Saves Internet Usage Quotas, Blogger Tips, Loading Blog, Blog Blogger, Blog Speed ​​Test, Speed ​​Blog.



Adverse impact of the internet we need to beware, because the Internet is the same as other media that can bring a different result depending on usage. Like a double-edged sword, the internet has both useful and useless even worse.
Internet was originally created as a tool that helps people to deploy a variety of data they are positive. But ultimately drift occurs as well, the internet media is used as a tool to spread things that are harmful and in terms of other words is called the negative impact of the Internet itself.
What is meant by the negative impact of the Internet?. Internet is often identified with the world spread pornographic variety of media, both kinds of stories written in the form of heat, pornographic pictures, or video bokep form. Actually, not just pornography is a problem with internet presence. Another problem is more complicated and more likely to harm other people were also there in the media mentioned it indefinitely.

In this category there are five negative consequences for internet users. Here are 5 negative impact of the internet:

A. Cybersexual addiction
Is the obsession to view, download and trade pornography. Chat rooms containing fantasy and role playing for adults are also included in this category.

2. Cyber-relational addiction
Excessive involvement in the relationship over the internet (such as through chat rooms and virtual affairs) to lose contact with the relationships that exist in the real world.

3. Net gaming
Is a kind of addiction as gambling, gaming, shopping and stock trading activities through the internet that interfere with work and / or result in the loss and eventually lead to debt. Are in trouble right?

4. Information overload
Because finding the information inexhaustible available on the internet, some people are willing to spend hours and hours to gather and organize various information.

5. Computer addiction
The research found that some organizations were negatively impacted as a result of addiction to games off-line (such as Solitaire and Tetris are popular in the last decade of the 1980s), which is the average lot has been installed in the computer.

Of the five types of negative impacts of the above, it looks indeed very complex problem that ditumbulkan by the Internet itself. Although various attempts have been made to reduce the negative impacts of it. But all returned to individual internet users themselves who have to minimize the various risks that may be posed by the media without borders, the more days, the more people on earth to use it ..

May be useful,.

Tips on How to Maintain A Powerful Laptop Or Notebook and Strategies

Tips on How to Maintain A Powerful Laptop Or Notebook and Strategies

Laptop and Notebook is a highly sensitive electronic goods in care less if done well. In other words, this electronic device (Laptop or Notebook) will be giving out the maximum performance if we impose or take good care. Laptop and Notebook components are also very expensive when compared with PC computer. Therefore there should be special treatment for one of this electronic tool, you should do a few tips to take care of him. Smoga useful ...!

1. Do not close the Laptop / Notebook with gloves or other switched on
The position on the laptop / notebooks generate heat that will be issued in one hole, in this position should be good air circulation so that the heat was out and a good circulation. because it is based on the experience of my friends Laptop Processor laptop is going to die because there is no air circulation beneath the surface of the Laptop.

2. Do not carelessly download free software from the internet.
Moreover, such software is as if as an antivirus. Nenggunakan you should have software that you get from the package you buy a laptop. Very great risk of one occurring viruses that can enter into a laptop or notebook from the internet. If you still want to use the downloaded software, then make sure you scan it with antivirus software that you own or download from trusted sites.

3. Damage to the LCD and hard disk
According to the survey, the most common laptop damage occurred on the hard drive and LCD display / screen. Hard drive damage caused by collision or fall. LCD damage is usually due to sun exposure and physical strain.

4. Damage to wires that are stored haphazardly akibar
Rapikanlah adapter cables or other cables that are connected to the laptop, not to make others stumble.

5. Damage from the effects of temperature
In Asia the climate, humid temperatures can be a big issue for laptops that are designed in the United States. To reduce the possibility of a problem, make sure the laptop is stored in a dry and cool. If the laptop is not used for a long time, keep the laptop in a container and put silica gel meetings. Silica gel is as contained in the medicine bottle, the packaging of electronic barang2 (small packet labeled 'Dessicant Silica Gel'). Or can be purchased at a store chemicals. Silica gel is a chemical which is hygroscopic (absorbs moisture / humidity).

6. Damage to the modem Laptop Netbook
Protect your laptop modem. Use a modem that has a digital feature-line guard. Because of this feature will keep the modem from damage if accidentally plugging in the cable modem to a telephone jack digital PABX or ISDN lines. And be careful when going to plug the phone cord to the laptop as a metal wire in the connector laptop modem is very thin and easily bent.

7. Cleanliness of Laptop or Notebook
Keep your laptop clean, wipe with a clean cloth or cotton that is free of dust.

8. Avoid contact with x-ray beam
Avoid contact with x-ray beam at the airport which can result in damage to the core.

9. Power Off
Power outages and voltage problems can occur at any time, at home, in hotel rooms or in the office. If possible, use the 'surge-protector' if you're using the AC outlet. And do not forget to make back-up data regularly.

10. Always use a laptop bag while traveling.

11. If you want to wrap the laptop to be sent or for other purposes, use a strong protective box, and wrap it with foam or sponge that can absorb vibrations.

12. When will lift the laptop is open or not to lift it while holding the light in the display / screen, lift the bottom.

13. If the laptop is in trouble, do not try to dismantle itself. Should submit it to a technician or service-center nearby. Because of possible damage would be even heavier. Especially for a laptop that is under warranty - disassemble the laptop can damage the sticker warranty (warranty seal) that is still attached to the laptop. Suppose unless you've experienced.

14. Never place heavy objects on top of the laptop.

15. Do not insert the diskette in the corners. Insert a floppy disk can damage the half-disk-drive. Likewise, when opening or closing the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive tray to insert or eject a disc. Do not touch the lens on the CD-ROM tray. Hold the compact-disc at the edges, rather than on the surface of the disk.

16. In addition to damage to the hard drive and LCD, liquid spills are causing damage to the most common laptop, or use a sheet of transparent film called 'keyboard protector'.

17. Take care of your laptop battery / notebook, not to leak because it can damage the battery slot.

18. Do not be moved, move your laptop / notebook while still alive. If being alive means the hard drive is also being employed so that when driven hard scratching can cause the cylinder head so it would be fatal.

19. Avoid direct contact with the sun.

Nb: Do Until your Warranty Card and Lost Fatal event of damage to the Laptop / Notebook Carry to the place you shop when you buy Laptop / Notebook and bring the warranty card.

How to Make Cheap and Simple Signal Booster Antennafor 3G Modem

Finally I made a short article How to Make Cheap and Simple Signal Booster Antenna for 3G Modem:

Copper winding Wire

This is a way to make a 3G signal booster antenna is the most simple and fairly inexpensive. Take 30-50 cm copper wire and wrap 2-5 times in the last HP Peel the remaining wire about 10 cm and the right to the top of your phone (like antennas). Benefits which can improve signal reception even up to 2 bar 3 bar. Be careful with the cable end that can scratch the casing / display of your HP.
This method can be varied by soldering the ends of the cable to the antenna socket, then connected to your aerial socket as mentioned above. For the HP without this socket can not be done.
Optimal length of the antenna for GSM 900 is 33.3 cm while for GSM 1800 is 16.7 cm. The formula is the length of the antenna = C / Frequency; with C is the speed of light = 300,000,000 m / s.
If correct then that signal amplification can be obtained up to 2 bar (scale 5) either GSM or 3G signals only with Simple and Cheap Ways to Make 3G Signal Booster Antenna for this modem.
Here's an example picture of the practice of how to make a 3G signal amplifier sierra wireless modem on AT & T:

Examples of the above picture is Cheap and Simple Ways Make a Signal Booster Antenna for 3G Modem Sierra Wireless modem using AT & T. May be applied also to the other modem.


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